Nu alle sportscholen gesloten zijn, moeten we met zijn alle thuis sporten. Maar hoe?
Hiervoor maak ik home workouts voor jullie. Ik zal hier de trainingen uploaden, en daarbij een filmpje maken over hoe je de oefeningen moet uitvoeren!
Workout 1:
Warming up
75 su/60 jj
12 striders
15 air squats
16 lunges
Strength: 5 sets of 8 reps per oefening
Bulgarian split squat in superset met pistol box squats.
5 rft
20 jump squats
15 jack knives
20 jumping lunges
8 burpees
15 thrusters
Workout 2
Warming up( 2 rondes)
75 su/ 60 jj
16 hip touches
12 plank (random object) touch
10 reverse fly’s
8 push ups
Superset van:
Push ups
Elastic bent over rows
Superset van
Side en front raises
Strict press( slow eccentric)
Beide super sets 3 sets herhalen
Wod: 4 rft
15 Elastic rows/inverted rows
15 Reverse fly’s
40 Mountain climbers
10 Push ups
10 Prone overhead slides
8 (each side) Side plank
Workout 3
Warming up
75 su/ 60 jj
12 striders
15 air squats
16 hand to feet
8 push ups
4 sets of
Fly push ups(12 reps)+ slide lunges(20 reps)
4 sets of
Thrusters(15 reps)+ elastic bent over row( 15 reps)
15 Leg to the side slides
16 Front shoulder slides
12 jump squats
40 mountain climbers
8 burpees
12 tuck jumps
Workout 4
Warming up
2 rondes
75 su/60 jj
10 goodmorning
16 oh lunges
15 air squats
4 sets
16 weighted lunges+ 16 jumping lunges+ 16 non weighted lunges
4 sets
10 single leg hip thrust+ 20 reverse lunges
3 x 6 min AMRAP
15 burpees
20 Weighted russian twist
20 jump squats
10 Jack knife
40 weighted squats
10 burpees
30 Weighted russian twist
15 jump squats
15 Jack knife
30 weighted squats
5 burpees
40 Weighted russian twist
10 jump squats
20 Jack knife
20 weighted squats
After every 6 min, 1:30 min rest
Algemene warming up + Mini workouts
General warming-up
50 Jumping jacks
12 striders
10 band pull appart
16 hip touches
15 air squats
Wod 1
Banded thrusters
Wod 2
60 step up jumps
4 push ups
20 air squats
50 step up jumps
6 push ups
20 air squats
40 step up jumps
8 push ups
20 air squats
30 step up jumps
10 push ups
20 air squats
20 step up jumps
12 push ups
20 air squats
10 step up jumps
14 push ups
20 air squats
^Lijkt heel veel, valt ECHT reuze mee!!
Wod 3
Jump squats
Jack knifes
1.5 band pull appart
Wod 4
1 rft
100 air squats
70 sit ups
40 push up
Wod 5
4 rft
40 mountain climbers
20 shoulder taps
12 superman
16 Alternating box/bank/stoel/kruk step ups
Veel Trainplezier!